Terms & Conditions


  1. Fees cover one full term. Discounts or refunds will not be given for any classes missed by the student.
  2. Fees must be paid at least 2 days before the student’s first class. Any late payments may incur a late fee charge of £10.
  3. The first 2-weeks can be paid for on a trial basis. If the student wishes to continue with the class, the remainder of the term must be paid for. Fees are then paid per term.
  4. All methods of payment must be made via the ClassForKids platform unless authorised by the Principal.


  1. We do not allow any parents/guardians inside the building at any time for safeguarding purposes.
  2. If a class is cancelled by the company and an alternative date is provided, a refund will not be issued.
  3. All students must be on time for every class. If a student is more than 10 minutes late, they may not be able to participate in the session as they will have missed the warm up.
  4. All students must be picked up on time. Any student picked up later than 10 minutes after their scheduled finishing time will incur an additional class charge on their next bill.
  5. All students should strive for 100% attendance to avoid falling behind with exercises and routines. Poor attendance may result in the student losing their place in the class or not being a part of a performance section.
  6. The class timetable may be subject to change. Parents/guardians will be notified of any changes.


  1. We ask all students to wear the recommended uniform for each class. The uniforms ensure students feel confident in their surroundings and maintain professionalism.
  2. Appropriate footwear is required for some of our classes. (Ballet, Tap, Street/Commercial). Information will be given following a student’s trial period.
  3. Hair should always be completely off the face, neat and tidy.
  4. For safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn at any time.


CDC’s Code of Conduct must be adhered to at all times. We expect all students to:

  • Respect all teaching staff
  • Treat all other students as they wish to be treated themselves
  • Come to every class with a positive attitude
  • Always ask for help if they need it
  • Consistently try their best
  • Wear correct uniform and footwear
  • Ensure hair is neat and tidy
  1. All students should bring water to all of their sessions.
  2. Students and parents/guardians are expected to demonstrate mutually respectful behaviour to all teaching staff and fellow students. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave.
  3. Bullying is not tolerated. Any incidents or suspicions should be brought to the Principal’s attention immediately.
  4. If students and/or parents break the terms and conditions, they may be asked to leave by the Principal with no refund given.
  5. Any queries, issues or concerns should be addressed to the Principal only.


  1. Please notify the Principal of any medical issues or learning difficulties that may affect your child’s learning. This will help us to help them.
  2. Any injuries should be discussed with the teacher prior to the class.
  3. Dancing is a physical activity and contains a certain amount of risk. Students taking part in any of our classes or events run by CREŌ do so at their own risk.


  1. Students are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk. CREŌ Dance Company does not accept responsibility for any items lost or stolen.
  2. To avoid items being misplaced, please label all items of uniform with the student’s name.


  1. CREŌ Dance Company take photographs and videos of students for advertisement of the school. The use of these may be included on the website, social media, and printed materials. All parents/guardians not wishing to give consent for a student must do so when registering them or inform the Principal.
  2. CREŌ’s annual Summer Showcase is always professionally photographed and videoed. These are shared privately with parents/guardians of all students. If a parent/guardian does not give consent for this, the student may not be able to participate in the show.


  1. When you provide us with your contact details and information, we promise to keep them secure and not share them with a third party.
  2. The Principal should be notified of any change in contact details and/or health issues.

The school terms and conditions are designed to enhance a student’s learning and enjoyment of the dance and performance experience and help maximise their full potential.